Retirement Plan
Welcome to the Bellavance Trucking retirement plan! This is a resource for all your retirement needs and questions. Please review the information below and contact Dan Huskes (danh@bellavancetrucking.com, 802/651-5540) or Chris White (chrisw@bellavancetrucking.com, 802/661-5501) with any questions or comments.
We have organized this website by the following information:
General Information: Includes information on what a 401(k) Plan is and why you should join it. Because business retirement plans are tailored by each individual employer, we have also provided you with a summary of our plan’s unique details.
- How to Join the Plan: This section shows you several alternative ways to join the plan, so that you may chose which is easiest/best for you.
- How to Access/Manage Your Account On-line: This section explains how to create an account on-line and describes some of the tools and archives John Hancock has provided to help you find all the information you need to make your retirement.
Alternatively, our Investment Advisor (contact information to the right) can help you with your specific solutions. If you prefer to read, please click here.
Click here for more information on the following plan details:
- Eligibility to join the plan
- Entry dates
- Contribution limits
- Employer match information
- Vesting of your interest in the employer match
- Loans available to access your funds before retirement.
- Withdrawal details
- Investment options
- Information that you will receive from the Plan.
Contact Us
TRG Retirement Plan Consultants
Information about the Available Investment Funds:
Forms and Plan Documents
How To Join the Plan
Unless you opt out, you will be automatically enrolled at a 4% pre-tax contribution once you meet the plan’s eligibility requirements.
Access Your Account On-line
Simply click on the following website: https://myplan.johnhancock.com/login.
- Risk analysis tool to help you determine what investments you may want to choose.
- Nest egg tool to help you determine how much money you want to save by retirement and how much you should be contributing to get there.
- Access to previous account statements, your current account balance, make changes to your investments, change you contribution percentage, and so much more.
Contact John Hancock by Phone
For assistance in English call 800-294-3575 between 8am to 10pm (ET), Monday to Friday or 1-888-440-0022 for assistance in Spanish between 10am to 8pm.